I left Akureyri this morning, and the weather was a bit threatening so I didn’t end up doing my hike. Plus I have work to do, so I picked out a 4 hour drive with a couple stops in it that will get me a bit more than halfway back to Reykjavik. I’m a bit ahead of schedule, so I’ll sit back here and catch up on some work for the day.
The start of my drive had a full rainbow on it, like full arch with all 7 colors. So that was neat.

So those houses I didn’t really take a picture of yesterday? I found other ones that I think actually look a bit nicer.

This thing is called Kolugljúfur. It’s nice I guess. Here are pictures.

Nailed the timer feature on my phone. Look how happy I am to be there and to be alive.

And then I drove a bit longer to a hostel that I had picked out. It’s right on the water in the Northwest Fjords. There is only one other guy at this one right now, but the WiFi is great and I’ll be able to get some work done. The view isn’t too bad either.

I drove South another hour and a half or so the next day to an Airbnb I picked out that looked like it might have a chance of seeing the Northern Lights. It was *supposed* to be clearer, but it turned out to be cloudy most of the night when I checked. Oh well. It was still a very nice place, and there was a coffeehouse/flower shop that the owner also ran during the day.

Then on Friday I worked in the BnB for the morning and part of the afternoon, and the owner brought me an Icelandic Waffle, which was really good. I tried to talk to her dog for a while but he only spoke Icelandic. Went on to work in Reykjavik for the rest of the day at Kaffitar and Stofan, then went out to a hostel by the airport for the night.
In the morning, I got up at 4am even though my dad’s flight got in at 6:30 so that I could drive around a bit and look for the Northern Lights. It was a little cloudy, but the venture was successful, as I saw some bluish greens dancing in the sky. Then I successfully picked him up, and our adventure commenced.